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Confessions of a Science Communicator - Dr Claire Malone, MInstP

Wednesday 6 March 2024, 16:30-17:30
Lecture Theatre Gr.18, Sir William Henry Bragg Building

In this talk, Dr Claire Malone discusses the many benefits to researchers of being active science communicators - for themselves, for the wider scientific community and for society as a whole. Dr Malone shares her own journey as a science communicator, initially speaking at conferences aimed at raising the profile of underrepresented groups in science such as the LGBT+ and disabled communities, through to delivering her TED talk at Abbey Road Studios. Dr Malone now focuses on overcoming the challenges that often prevent effective science communication and assisting fellow scientists to do the same, taking the field of psychedelic medicine as a case study, where researchers can need to counteract entrenched biases in order to share their findings.